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Characterization of a Shallow Coastal Aquifer in the Framework of a Subsurface Storage and Soil Aquifer Treatment Project using Electrical Resistivity Tomography (Port de la Selva, Spain) / Alex Sendrós Brea-Iglesias, A. Urruela, Mahjoub Himi, [et al.]

En: Applied Sciences. vol. 11, num. 6 (2021)

Water percolation through infiltration ponds is creating significant synergies for the broad adoption of water reuse as an additional non-conventional water supply. Despite the apparent simplicity of the soil aquifer treatment (SAT) approaches, the complexity of site-specific hydro-geological conditions and the processes occurring at various scales require an exhaustive under-standing of the system's response. The non-saturated zone and underlying aquifers cannot be considered as a black box, nor accept its characterization from few boreholes not well distribut-ed over the area to be investigated. The electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) is a non-invasive technology, highly responsive to geological heterogeneities that has demonstrated useful to provide the detailed subsurface information required for groundwater modeling. The relation-ships between the electrical resistivity of the alluvial sediments and the bedrock and the differ-ence in salinity of groundwater, highlight the potential of geophysical methods over other more costly subsurface exploration techniques. The results of our research show that ERT coupled with implicit modeling tools provides information that can significantly help to identify aquifer geometry and characterize the saltwater intrusion of shallow alluvial aquifers. The proposed approaches could improve the reliability of groundwater models and the commitment of stakeholders to the benefits of SAT procedures.

Matèries: Aigües subterrànies ; Recursos hídrics
Àmbit:Port de la Selva, el
Autors add.:Sendrós Brea-Iglesias, Àlex ; Urruela, A. ; Himi, Mahjoub ; Alonso, Carlos ; Lovera Carrasco, Raúl ; Tapias Pantebre, Josefina Carlota ; Rivero Marginedas, Lluís ; Garcia-Artigas, R. ; Casas i Ponsatí, Albert
Accés: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/174884

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